National Security

Immigration and National Security

Maintaining an acceptable level of National Security is dependent on ensuring that strong immigration policies are in force.

Fast Facts
  • The September 11, 2001 terrorist attackers were foreigners who entered the country legally on a temporary visa, mostly tourist visas with entry permits for six months.
  • Since 2007, the U.S. apprehended 45,000 Special Interest Aliens (SIAs), i.e. individuals with suspicious travel patterns.
  • Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, foreign tourists, temporary visitors, and returning U.S. citizens were not required to undergo medical screening upon entering the country.
  • Diaspora diplomacy, or the utilization of immigrant communities by foreign governments, is a means by which enemy nations can attempt to achieve their policy goals.
  • Transnational bad actors attempt to use immigrant communities in the U.S. as bases of operations and recruitment pools
Immigration Affects National Security

There are several factors affecting the National Security of the United States. Among these are U.S. national defense and foreign relations. Immigration policies and border control are at the heart of these issues.

Maintaining an acceptable level of National Security is dependent on ensuring that strong immigration policies are in force, and that tangible security and defense mechanisms like a border wall, are in place.

Border Security

Greater border control involves both physical barriers against illegal entry and increasing the number of Border Patrol officers attempting to identify, intercept and apprehend illegal aliens.

FAIR welcomes the promise of the Trump-proposed ‘big, beautiful wall’ along the U.S. southern border and will work to hold President Trump to his promise.

Each day without an effective border barrier means an increased threat to both the American public and National Security, not only from illegal aliens, gangs, drug smugglers and human traffickers, but also terrorists who might infiltrate the wave of illegal aliens.