Biden’s Jailbreak: Springing Illegal Aliens to Dodge the Law and Commit Crimes

A leaked government report on illegal alien “Alternatives to Detention” – which has more than doubled in size under the Biden administration — found that the program’s “significant expense” has resulted in “little value,” with a vast majority of enrollees ditching their immigration hearings.
The draft, which has been kicking around U.S. Immigration and Customs (ICE) headquarters for almost two years, reported an astounding absconsion rate of 84 percent, with illegal aliens cutting off ankle bracelets, deleting cell phone applications and ignoring ICE’s contact attempts. Of 47,905 enrollees tracked by the report, 40,300 absconded.
Since the program was launched in 2004, more than 21,000 enrolled aliens were subsequently convicted or charged with criminal acts. “These crimes would not have occurred had the aliens remained in detention,” the report stated.
Noting that U.S. taxpayers have spent more than $1.46 billion on the porous program through fiscal year 2019, the report asserted: “ICE finds little value in this significant expense and concludes that increased detention is the only way to ensure compliance with the immigration court system.”
All of these figures predate the epic surge and mass release of illegal aliens unleashed by the Biden administration since it came to office in 2021. As such, it is reasonable to assume that the number of aliens absconding and committing crimes has grown, with costs increasing commensurately.
Undeterred, and true to its open-borders agenda, the administration wants to spend even more to expand alternative detention, also oxymoronically known as the Intensive Supervision Appearance Program (ISAP). Jon Feere of the Center for Immigration Studies calls this a disaster in the making.
“To be clear, this isn’t funding ICE, it’s funding NGOs [Non-Governmental Organizations] connected to the White House. The goal is to take power away from law enforcement [and] to replicate the bloated refugee resettlement program, but for illegal aliens coming across the border.”
Feere, a former chief of staff at ICE, says Congress “must understand what ISAP has become and either strengthen it with serious legal repercussions for aliens who abscond, such as imprisonment and fines, or consider shifting all ISAP funding to detention beds.”
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