Illegal Immigration: A Victim's Story
Editors Note: In the absence of any compelling public interest objective, the advocates for granting amnesty to illegal aliens resort to telling their personal stories. What is too often ignored are the personal stories of Americans who are harmed by mass illegal immigration. Below is one such story submitted by one of our readers.
I have lived in California since 1965. I raised two boys on my own successfully in California. I never had a problem finding work, until I had to leave my place of employment back in 2009 to assist my elderly parents after my father suffered a stroke. My father has since passed away, but my efforts to get my feet back into the workforce have all been in vain. And do you know why? I am not bilingual. Companies that I had worked for wouldn’t rehire me back because they are only hiring people that are bilingual. I just don’t know what to do. I still have the responsibility of caring for and assisting my elderly mother, and I have already exhausted my savings. I only have my small pension from them left to live off of. I am still too young to collect Social Security. If Congress and President Obama grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants, I fear that I, and many Americans like me, will never be employed again in California or in much of the rest of the nation.
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