Chechen Alien Involved in Shooting with Special Operations Soldier

FAIR Take | June 2024
On May 3, in Carthage, North Carolina, a supposed utility worker was shot dead on a resident’s lawn after reportedly trespassing. The incident was originally believed to be a horrible mistake, but as details of the circumstances emerged, concerns about soldier safety have heightened. The trespasser, reportedly an illegal alien from Chechnya, may have targeted the soldier, and it may not be a case of mistaken identity, as initially thought.
The soldier, a colonel in Delta Force, the Army’s highly specialized unit dedicated to counterterrorism and high-value targets, is undoubtedly a high-value target for hostile foreign governments. The deceased “utility worker,” Ramzan Daraev, according to news reports is from Chicago, Illinois, and was ostensibly employed by a New Jersey-based utilities company.
However, subsequent reports and a petition by family members reveal that the shooter was a Chechen national. Another Chechen was at the scene of the incident and released by police. Chechnya is notable for being a source of continuing human rights violations by the Russian government and a base for organized terrorism. Neither man was in possession of any identification (except foreign passports), utility equipment, or utility clothing. Daraev was taking photographs of the colonel’s residence when he was confronted.
The details are mysterious. Illegal aliens living in Chicago with no English skills or apparent utility qualifications are an odd choice for a New Jersey-based company to hire, let alone send to service a specific address hundreds of miles away in North Carolina. The New Jersey company, Utilities One, is foreign-owned and run by a Moldovan named Serghei Busmachiu. Reporting on the incident notes that utility companies are frequent covers for surveillance of foreign targets. Despite this, the FBI has not begun an investigation and, incredibly, the incident has been reported to OSHA as if this was simply a workplace mishap.
It remains unclear how the Chechens entered the country and how long they have been on U.S. soil. Given the importance of the target and the unusual circumstances of the utility company involved, it seems quite likely that this is yet another case of inadequate immigration enforcement potentially placing American national security at risk.
Many more of these “mishaps” have been occurring recently, including two Jordanian illegal aliens attempting to breach the Quantico Marine Base posing as Amazon delivery drivers. Open-border policies and a lack of immigration enforcement allow incidents like this to occur, and this sort of probing and surveillance only tests the waters for future deadly incidents. Policymakers and government agencies must investigate and be honest with the American people about these threats, and then learn from the mistakes to prevent another 9/11 from happening.
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