Immigration Legislation in the States 2019-2020
Quick State-by-State Summary – Find Yours
By State & Local Engagement Department | October 2020 | Download PDF version
Immigration legislation has been stymied on the federal level with the House in Democrat hands and the Senate controlled by Republicans (but unable to get the 60 votes needed to bring up any immigration bill). This has left President Donald Trump to enact Executive Orders to implement principled immigration policies that put American workers and taxpayers ahead of special interests.
President Trump’s policies have galvanized states into action either supporting or opposing his efforts. The immigration issue remains a top priority in the states with the number of bills introduced continuing to increase. California in particular has enacted more legislation than any other state, giving benefits to those in the country illegally.
Among the states, the majority of bills introduced have focused on sanctuary policies/immigration enforcement, providing driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, providing occupational and professional licenses to illegal aliens, and providing in-state tuition to illegal aliens.
Normally, in even years, the legislative session in many states is shorter because of state elections. In 2020, many states adjourned or suspended their sessions even earlier because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many bills that would have likely passed did not as legislators focused their attention on addressing issues arising from the COVID crisis. This appears to have particularly hurt the chances of several anti-sanctuary bills that might otherwise have passed.

GREEN - Enacted good legislation
RED - Enacted bad legislation
YELLOW - Enacted a mix of legislation, or introduced legislation and enacted nothing
BLACK - Introduced nothing
***Only states that enacted nothing in either year show bills that were introduced but not enacted
Summary by the Number:
- Total bills enacted that introduce sanctuary policies or strengthen them: 11
- Total bills enacted that restrict or prohibit E-Verify: 1
- Total bills enacted that provide occupational/professional licenses to illegal aliens: 4
- Total bills enacted that grant driver’s licenses to illegal aliens: 4
- Total bills enacted that provide or expand in-state tuition to illegal aliens, such as
- Total bills enacted that introduce or strengthen anti-sanctuary policies: 2
- Total bills enacted that require or expand E-Verify: 1
- Total bills enacted that eliminate or restrict in-state tuition: 1
- 2019 Introduced
- SB 71, E-Verify Strengthening/Expansion: Required applicants for business licenses and occupational tax certificates to prove their enrollment in and use of E-Verify
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- SB 102, In-State Tuition: Authorized board of trustees to extend resident tuition rates to “qualified nonresident students”
- SB 107, E-Verify Strengthening/Expansion: Required applicants for business licenses and occupational tax certificates to prove their enrollment in and use of E-Verify
- SB 108, Anti-Sanctuary Strengthening: Criminalized state officials or agents adopting policy that intentionally limits or restricts enforcement of immigration laws
- SB 102, In-State Tuition: Authorized board of trustees to extend resident tuition rates to “qualified nonresident students”
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- 0 introduced legislation
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- 0 introduced legislation
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- HCR 2007/SCR 1002, Public Benefits: Proposed a referendum to the voters eliminating citizenship and lawful residency requirements for public benefits
- HB 2508, Sanctuary: Cthreatening to notify law enforcement of someone’s immigration status under some circumstances as “theft by extortion,” a Class 4 felony
- SB 1056, Sanctuary/Anti-E-Verify: Repealed most preexisting Anti-Sanctuary and E-Verify laws
- SB 1217, In-State Tuition: Authorized in-state tuition for illegal aliens who graduate from Arizona high schools within four years of college enrollment
- HCR 2007/SCR 1002, Public Benefits: Proposed a referendum to the voters eliminating citizenship and lawful residency requirements for public benefits
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- HCR 2004/SCR 1021/SCR 1038, Public Benefits: Proposed a referendum to the voters eliminating citizenship and lawful residency requirements for public benefits
- HCR 2036/SCR 1007/SCR 1008, Anti-Sanctuary: Enshrined prohibition on sanctuary policies into the state constitution
- HCR 2048, In-State Tuition: Proposed a referendum to the voters authorizing in-state tuition and financial aid for DACA recipients
- HB 2095, Anti-Sanctuary Strengthening: Prohibited local governments from adopting sanctuary ordinances, including restrictions on information-sharing and on honoring detainers
- HB 2598, Anti-Sanctuary Strengthening: Required honoring immigration detainers, created private civil cause of action by crime victims for monetary damages
- HB 2655, E-Verify Strengthening: Criminalized knowingly employing an illegal alien as a Class 1 Misdemeanor with a mandatory $2,500 fine
- HB 2656, Anti-Sanctuary Strengthening: Eliminated “loser pays” provision (costs and attorney’s fees) in private anti-sanctuary enforcement lawsuits
- HB 2602/SB 1576, In-State Tuition: Authorized in-state tuition for illegal aliens who graduate from Arizona high schools
- SB 1071, Sanctuary/Anti-E-Verify: Repealed most preexisting Anti-Sanctuary and E-Verify laws
- SB 1535, Legal Defense Fund: Created a fund to pay for deportation defense of illegal aliens, to be financed by state taxpayers but also authorized to accept private donations
- SB 1564, Sanctuary: Repealed most preexisting anti-sanctuary law
- HCR 2004/SCR 1021/SCR 1038, Public Benefits: Proposed a referendum to the voters eliminating citizenship and lawful residency requirements for public benefits
- 2020 Enacted
- enacted legislation
- 2019 Enacted
- HB 1684, In-State Tuition: Grants the in-state tuition rate to illegal aliens who are graduates of an Arkansas public or private high school who have resided in Arkansas for a certain amount of time
- SB 411, Anti-Sanctuary: Prohibits municipal sanctuary policies statewide
- HB 1684, In-State Tuition: Grants the in-state tuition rate to illegal aliens who are graduates of an Arkansas public or private high school who have resided in Arkansas for a certain amount of time
- 2020 Enacted
- HB 1066, Refugees: Among other things, appropriates money for refugee resettlement
- 2019 Enacted
- AB 668, Sanctuary/Courthouse Lockout: Clarifies the power of judicial officers to prohibit activities that threaten access to courthouses, including by protecting alien defendants from arrest at a courthouse. Provides that no person shall be subject to civil arrest in a courthouse while attending a court proceeding or having legal business in the courthouse
- AB 1747, Sanctuary: Prohibits subscribers to a state database from using information other than criminal history information transmitted through the system for immigration enforcement purposes, as defined; prohibits subscribers to the system from using the system for purposes of investigating violations of a specified federal law if a violation of that federal law; authorizes the Attorney General to conduct investigations to monitor compliance
- SB 225, Public Office: Makes illegal aliens eligible to hold appointed civil office if they are over 18 years of age and reside in the state; provides that such appointees may receive any form of compensation they are not otherwise prohibited from receiving pursuant to federal law, including, but not limited to, any stipend, grant, or reimbursement of personal expenses
- SB 104, Public Benefits: Extends Medi-Cal benefits, the state’s equivalent of Medicaid, to individuals 19 to 25 years of age regardless of immigration status
- AB 668, Sanctuary/Courthouse Lockout: Clarifies the power of judicial officers to prohibit activities that threaten access to courthouses, including by protecting alien defendants from arrest at a courthouse. Provides that no person shall be subject to civil arrest in a courthouse while attending a court proceeding or having legal business in the courthouse
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Enacted
- HB 1124, Sanctuary: Imposes sanctuary policies statewide
- HB 1148, Public Safety: Changes the maximum jail sentence for certain crimes from one year to 364 days, exploiting a loophole in federal law where such convictions would no longer require mandatory deportation and mandatory detention pending deportation
- HB 1196, In-State Tuition: Authorizes state financial aid for illegal alien students, who are already classified as in-state students for tuition purposes
- HB 1124, Sanctuary: Imposes sanctuary policies statewide
- 2020 Enacted
- HB 1409, Inspection of Penal Institutions: Places all jails, prisons and other detention facilities, including federal facilities, under the jurisdiction of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). Requires the CDPHE to establish sanitary standards and make sanitary sewerage, and health inspections. Requires the CDPHE to inspect facilities once a year. Additional unannounced inspections may be conducted after the annual inspection
- SB 83, Sanctuary/Courthouse Lockout: Prevents civil arrests while present at a courthouse or its environs, or while going to, attending, or coming from a court proceeding; allows a judge or magistrate to issue a “writ of protection” to prohibit a civil arrest, enforceable by contempt; requires all on-duty law enforcement officers who aren’t employed by or contracted with courthouse security, or participating in a court proceeding, to present credentials and state the purpose of their presence to any existing courthouse security officer, who must maintain a record of the information; makes any law enforcement officer who violates the law liable for damages in a civil lawsuit for false imprisonment
- SB 224, “Immigrant Tenant Protection Act”: Bars landlords from using or disclosing information about a tenant’s citizenship or immigration status. It also allows a tenant to sue his/her landlord if they violate its terms.
- HB 1409, Inspection of Penal Institutions: Places all jails, prisons and other detention facilities, including federal facilities, under the jurisdiction of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). Requires the CDPHE to establish sanitary standards and make sanitary sewerage, and health inspections. Requires the CDPHE to inspect facilities once a year. Additional unannounced inspections may be conducted after the annual inspection
- 2019 Enacted
- SB 992, Sanctuary: Dramatically expands previous sanctuary law, the “Trust Act,” eliminating almost all preexisting exceptions under which state or local law enforcement could honor detainers, specifically for felons, those wanted on state charges who have not posted bond, terror and gang suspects, and those with final orders of removal
- 2020 Enactedenacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- 0 introduced legislation
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- 0 Introduced legislation
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Enacted
- SB 168, Anti-Sanctuary: “Rule of Law Adherence Act,” prohibits sanctuary policies; requires state entities, local governmental entities, and law enforcement agencies to comply with and support the enforcement of federal immigration law; requires counties to enter into formal cooperative agreements with ICE; authorizes the Attorney General to bring enforcement suits; authorizes the Governor to suspend non-cooperative officials; provides whistle-blower protections for persons who report violations, etc.
- 2020 Enacted
- SB 664, E-Verify: Requires all public employers – state, county, municipal and special districts – to use E-Verify; requires all public contractors to use E-Verify or lose their contracts; requires all recipients of state economic development incentives to use E-Verify or lose their incentive funding; requires private employers to either use E-Verify to ensure the employment authorization of their new hires or if they don’t use E-Verify to keep their I-9 forms with all of their employee documentation which shows their eligibility to work in the United States for three years; requires private employers to make all records and documents related to employment verification available on request to the Florida Attorney General (AG), Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Office of Statewide Prosecution (OSP) and their local state attorney’s office; and creates a process for suspending and revoking the business licenses of private employers that fail to comply
- 2019 Introduced
- HB 670, Driver’s Licenses: Authorized a class of driver’s licenses for which illegal aliens would be eligible
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- HB 896, In-State Tuition: Granted in-state tuition to illegal aliens who attend Georgia high schools for at least three years
- HB 915, Anti-Sanctuary Strengthening: Prohibited sanctuary policies; required state entities, local governmental entities, and law enforcement agencies to comply with and support the enforcement of federal immigration law; required counties and any other local governments with a jail to enter into formal cooperative agreements with ICE; authorized the Attorney General to bring enforcement suits; provided whistle-blower protections for persons who report violations; created private civil cause of action for monetary damages by crime victims
- HB 920, In-State Tuition: Granted in-state tuition to illegal aliens who graduate from Georgia high schools and have lived in the state for two years
- HB 997, In-State Tuition: Granted in-state tuition to illegal aliens who graduate from Georgia high schools and have lived in the state for four years
- HB 1083, Anti-Sanctuary Strengthening: Expanded preexisting prohibitions on sanctuary policies to specifically require honoring information-sharing, provision in-custody access to inmates and honoring immigration detainers; created private civil cause of action for monetary damages by crime victims
- SB 278, In-State Tuition: Authorized in-state tuition for illegal aliens at three public universities
- HB 896, In-State Tuition: Granted in-state tuition to illegal aliens who attend Georgia high schools for at least three years
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- HB 1247/SB 557, Sanctuary: Imposed sanctuary policies statewide
- HB 1491, Sanctuary: Imposed sanctuary policies statewide that authorized the governor and county mayors to opt their respective agencies out by declaring certain findings
- SB 227, Legal Defense Fund: Appropriated taxpayer funds for deportation defense of illegal aliens
- HB 1247/SB 557, Sanctuary: Imposed sanctuary policies statewide
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- HB 1976/SB 3141, Legal Defense Fund: Appropriated taxpayer funds for deportation defense of illegal aliens
- HB 2380/SB 2829, Legal Defense Fund: Appropriated taxpayer funds for deportation defense of illegal aliens
- HB 1976/SB 3141, Legal Defense Fund: Appropriated taxpayer funds for deportation defense of illegal aliens
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- 0 introduced legislation
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- 0 Introduced legislation
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Enacted
- HB 1637, Sanctuary/Anti-287(g): No law enforcement agency or official may enter into or remain in an agreement with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement under a federal 287(g) program
- HB 2691, In-State Tuition: Authorizes state student financial aid for illegal aliens who are already eligible for in-state tuition in Illinois
- SB 1290, Sanctuary Landlord-Tenant: Landlord shall not (1) threaten to disclose or actually disclose information regarding or relating to the immigration or citizenship status of a tenant to any person, entity, or any immigration or law enforcement agency with the intent of harassing or intimidating the tenant, retaliating against the tenant for exercising his or her rights, or influencing the tenant to surrender possession; or (2) bring an action to recover possession of a dwelling unit based solely or in part on the immigration or citizenship status of a tenant
- SB 1166, Occupational Licensing: Provides that no department shall deny an occupational or professional license based solely on the applicant’s citizenship status or immigration status
- HB 1637, Sanctuary/Anti-287(g): No law enforcement agency or official may enter into or remain in an agreement with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement under a federal 287(g) program
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- HB 1030/SB 138/SB 335, In-State Tuition: Granted in-state tuition to illegal aliens who graduated from an Indiana high school or who had lived in Indiana for three years
- SB 511: Driver’s Licenses: Authorized driver’s licenses for illegal aliens
- HB 1030/SB 138/SB 335, In-State Tuition: Granted in-state tuition to illegal aliens who graduated from an Indiana high school or who had lived in Indiana for three years
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- 0 introduced legislation
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- SF 516, E-Verify: required all employers to use E-Verify
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- 0 introduced legislation
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- 0 introduced legislation
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- HB 2003, Driver’s Licenses: Authorized driver’s licenses for illegal aliens
- 2020 Enacted
- enacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- HB 38, Anti-Sanctuary/E-Verify/In-State Tuition: Prohibited sanctuary policies statewide with cutoff of state funds as the remedy, required public universities to use E-Verify, prohibited in-state tuition for illegal aliens, prohibited universities from enrolling, employing or contracting with illegal aliens
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- SB 1, Anti-Sanctuary: Prohibited sanctuary policies statewide, with some exceptions, authorized any constitutional officer to bring sue for injunction
- HB 51, Anti-Sanctuary/E-Verify/In-State Tuition: Prohibited sanctuary policies statewide with cutoff of state funds as remedy, required public universities to use E-Verify, prohibited in-state tuition for illegal aliens, prohibited universities from enrolling, employing or contracting with illegal aliens
- SB 1, Anti-Sanctuary: Prohibited sanctuary policies statewide, with some exceptions, authorized any constitutional officer to bring sue for injunction
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- 0 introduced legislation
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- 0 introduced legislation
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- LD 1445, In-State Tuition: expanded eligibility for various student financial aid grants, including to illegal aliens, who already qualify for in-state tuition
- LD 1449, Anti-Sanctuary: prohibited sanctuary policies statewide
- LD 1589, Sanctuary: imposed sanctuary policies statewide
- LD 1445, In-State Tuition: expanded eligibility for various student financial aid grants, including to illegal aliens, who already qualify for in-state tuition
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- 0 Introduced legislation
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- HB 224/SB 742, Sanctuary/Anti-287(g): Prohibited contracts for immigration detention, including 287(g) agreements
- HB 262/SB 537, In-State Tuition: Reduced the number of years of state residence and high school attendance required for illegal aliens to receive in-state tuition, which is already authorized in Maryland. Passed legislature, vetoed by governor, override not attempted
- HB 817, Anti-Sanctuary: Required honoring detainers for anyone in custody actually convicted and serving a sentence
- HB 913/SB 817, Sanctuary: Imposed sanctuary policies statewide, prohibited immigration status inquiries, most information-sharing, and honoring detainers
- HB 1165/SB 718, Sanctuary: Imposed sanctuary policies statewide, prohibited immigration status inquiries and most information-sharing
- HB 1273/SB 599, Sanctuary/Lockout: Required the Attorney General to develop model policies to restrict immigration enforcement at public schools and hospitals, which must then be adopted
- HB 224/SB 742, Sanctuary/Anti-287(g): Prohibited contracts for immigration detention, including 287(g) agreements
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- HB 332[T1] /SB 197, Anti-Sanctuary: Required honoring detainers
- HB 388, Sanctuary: Imposed sanctuary policies statewide, prohibited honoring detainers and most information-sharing
- HB 403/SB 903, Sanctuary/Lockout: Required the Attorney General to develop model policies to restrict immigration enforcement at courthouses, public schools and hospitals, which must then be adopted
- HB 677/SB 850, Sanctuary/Anti-287(g): Prohibited contracts for immigration detention, including 287(g)
- HB 1411, Anti-Sanctuary: Prohibited sanctuary policies statewide
- HB 1612/SB 901, Sanctuary: Imposed sanctuary policies statewide restricting information-sharing, provided civil and criminal immunity
- HB 332[T1] /SB 197, Anti-Sanctuary: Required honoring detainers
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- HB 3012/SB 2061, Driver’s Licenses: Aauthorized driver’s licenses for illegal aliens
- HB 3573/SB 1401, Sanctuary: “Safe Communities Act,” imposed sanctuary policies statewide, prohibited most forms of cooperation and information-sharing including 287(g) agreements
- SB 740, In-State Tuition: Authorized in-state tuition for illegal aliens who graduate from Massachusetts high schools who attended for at least three years
- SB 1402, Anti-Sanctuary: Authorized honoring detainers under some circumstances
- HB 3012/SB 2061, Driver’s Licenses: Aauthorized driver’s licenses for illegal aliens
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- HB 4726/SB 2659, Stimulus: Provided $1,200 per adult and $500 per child in direct taxpayer funded COVID-19 stimulus funds to illegal aliens ineligible for federal stimulus funds
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- HB 4083/SB 383, Anti-Sanctuary: Prohibited sanctuary policies by municipalities statewide
- HB 4090/SB 382, Anti-Sanctuary: Prohibited sanctuary policies by counties statewide
- HB 4231, Anti-Sanctuary: Appropriations bill, denied state jail reimbursement funds to sanctuary jurisdictions, passed legislature, anti-sanctuary provisions line-item vetoed by governor, override not attempted
- HB 4724, Sanctuary: Imposed sanctuary policies statewide
- HB 4726, Sanctuary: Imposed sanctuary policies statewide
- HB 4727, Legal Defense Fund: Created a fund to provide taxpayer money for illegal aliens’ deportation defense
- HB 4998, Sanctuary: Imposed sanctuary policies statewide
- HB 5122, Anti-Sanctuary: Denied state jail reimbursement funds to sanctuary jurisdictions
- HB 5192/SB 631, Driver’s Licenses: Authorized driver’s licenses for illegal aliens
- HB 5193/SB 632, Identification Cards: Authorized state non-driver ID cards for illegal aliens
- HB 5600, Anti-Sanctuary: Private civil cause of action for monetary damages by crime victims of illegal aliens against sanctuary jurisdictions
- HB 4083/SB 383, Anti-Sanctuary: Prohibited sanctuary policies by municipalities statewide
- 2019 Enacted
- SB 149, E-Verify: Appropriations bill, required Department of Transportation to use E-Verify for its contractors and subcontractors; E-Verify provisions line-item vetoed by governor, override not attempted
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- HF 106, Anti-Sanctuary: Prohibited sanctuary policies statewide, required honoring detainers, created private civil cause of action for felony victims of illegal aliens against sanctuary jurisdictions
- HF 117/SF 80, Anti-Sanctuary: denied state aid to sanctuary jurisdictions
- HF 1500/SF 2813, Driver’s Licenses: authorized driver’s licenses for illegal aliens
- HF 2735/SF 2734, Driver’s Licenses: authorized driver’s licenses for illegal aliens
- HF 106, Anti-Sanctuary: Prohibited sanctuary policies statewide, required honoring detainers, created private civil cause of action for felony victims of illegal aliens against sanctuary jurisdictions
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- HF 3061/SF 2972, Sanctuary: Prohibited honoring detainers
- HF 3437/SF 3361, Anti-Sanctuary: Prohibited sanctuary policies statewide, authorized Attorney General to bring enforcement suits
- HF 4153/SF 231, Sanctuary: Imposed sanctuary policies statewide
- HF 4557/SF 4453, Driver’s Licenses: Authorized driver’s licenses for illegal aliens
- HF 4611/SF 4540, Stimulus: Granted up to $1,500 in state taxpayer funds to illegal aliens who did not qualify for federal stimulus funds
- HF 3061/SF 2972, Sanctuary: Prohibited honoring detainers
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- HB 378/HB 520/HB 755/SB 2359, In-State Tuition: Authorized individual community colleges to grant in-state tuition to illegal aliens, among others, if they promised to remain in the state for at least two years after graduation
- HB 771, In-State Tuition: Granted the in-state tuition rate to illegal aliens who graduated from Mississippi high schools and had lived in the state for at least five years
- HB 378/HB 520/HB 755/SB 2359, In-State Tuition: Authorized individual community colleges to grant in-state tuition to illegal aliens, among others, if they promised to remain in the state for at least two years after graduation
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Enacted
- HB 3, In-State Tuition: Higher education budget, prohibits funds from being expended at public institutions of higher education that offer a tuition rate to illegal aliens that is less than the tuition rate charged to international students
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- HB 146, Anti-Sanctuary: Prohibited sanctuary policies statewide, required honoring detainers, passed legislature, vetoed by governor, override not attempted
- HB 147, Anti-Sanctuary: Proposed a referendum to the voters prohibiting sanctuary policies statewide
- HB 146, Anti-Sanctuary: Prohibited sanctuary policies statewide, required honoring detainers, passed legislature, vetoed by governor, override not attempted
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- 0 Introduced legislation
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- LB 369, Sanctuary/Anti-287(g): Required public notice and hearings before law enforcement agencies could enter 287(g) or similar agreements
- LB 502, Sanctuary: Prohibited immigration status inquiries
- LB 369, Sanctuary/Anti-287(g): Required public notice and hearings before law enforcement agencies could enter 287(g) or similar agreements
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- 0 introduced legislation
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Enacted
- AB 275, Occupational Licensing: Authorizes an applicant for a professional or occupational license who does not have a social security number to provide an individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN)
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- HB 232/SB 317, Anti-Sanctuary: Prohibited sanctuary policies statewide
- HB 1700, Driver’s Licenses: Authorized driver’s licenses for illegal aliens
- HB 232/SB 317, Anti-Sanctuary: Prohibited sanctuary policies statewide
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- 0 introduced legislation
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Enacted
- AB 4743/SB 3229, Driver’s Licenses: Authorized driver’s licenses for illegal aliens
- 2020 Enacted
- AB 4225/SB 2455, Occupational Licensing: Authorizes issuance of occupational and professional licenses to illegal aliens
- SB 700, In-State Tuition: “Higher Education Citizenship Equality Act,” defines domicile for dependent students for purpose of eligibility for State student grants and scholarships, and resident tuition rate
- SB 2555, In-State Tuition: Allows dependent students whose parents or guardians hold H1 visas to qualify for in-State tuition at public institutions of higher education provided they meet certain criteria
- AB 4225/SB 2455, Occupational Licensing: Authorizes issuance of occupational and professional licenses to illegal aliens
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Enacted
- SB 137, Occupational Licensing: licensure eligibility without lawful presence
- 2019 Enacted
- AB 782 / SB 1250, In-State Tuition: “New York State DREAM Act,” expands state student financial aid for illegal aliens, who are already eligible for in-state tuition in New York
- SB 1506 / SB 2006, In-State Tuition: State education, labor, housing and family assistance budget, expands state student financial aid for illegal aliens, who are already eligible for in-state tuition in New York
- AB 3675 / SB 1747, Driver’s License: “New York Green Light Law,” authorizes issuance of driver’s licenses to illegal aliens and restricts information-sharing by the Department of Motor Vehicles
- AB 7473, In-State Tuition: Expands state student financial aid for illegal aliens, who are already eligible for in-state tuition in New York
- AB 782 / SB 1250, In-State Tuition: “New York State DREAM Act,” expands state student financial aid for illegal aliens, who are already eligible for in-state tuition in New York
- 2020 Enacted
- AB 9508 / SB 7508, Driver’s Licenses: State transportation, economic development and environmental conservation budget, criminalizes information-sharing by law enforcement of Department of Motor Vehicles information on illegal-alien driver’s licenses as a felony
- 2019 Introduced
- HB 63, E-Verify: Expanded requirements of current E-Verify law to cover independent contractors
- HB 135/SB 341, Anti-Sanctuary: Prohibited sanctuary policies statewide
- HB 244, E-Verify: Required all public contractors and subcontractors to use E-Verify
- HB 319, In-State Tuition: Authorized in-state tuition for illegal aliens who had lived in North Carolina for at least two years
- HB 370, Anti-Sanctuary: Required ICE to be allowed access to inmates in custody for interviews, required honoring detainers for anyone already in custody as long as a state court determined they were the person named in the detainer, passed by legislature, vetoed by governor, override not attempted
- HB 452, Anti-Sanctuary/287(g): Required the state Department of Public Safety to enter into a 287(g) agreement
- HB 829, Driver’s Licenses: Authorized driver’s licenses for illegal aliens
- SB 615, In-State Tuition: Authorized in-state tuition for DACA recipients
- HB 63, E-Verify: Expanded requirements of current E-Verify law to cover independent contractors
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- 0 introduced legislation
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- 0 introduced legislation
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- 0 introduced legislation
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- HB 169, Anti-Sanctuary: Prohibited sanctuary policies statewide, authorized private civil suits for enforcement including removal of pro-sanctuary public officials from office
- HB 371, In-State Tuition: Granted the in-state tuition rate to illegal aliens who graduate from Ohio high schools
- SB 3, Public Safety: Changed the maximum jail sentence for certain crimes from one year to 364 days, exploiting a loophole in federal law where such convictions would no longer require mandatory deportation and mandatory detention pending deportation
- HB 169, Anti-Sanctuary: Prohibited sanctuary policies statewide, authorized private civil suits for enforcement including removal of pro-sanctuary public officials from office
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- 0 introduced legislation
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- HB 1407, Anti-Sanctuary: Prohibited sanctuary policies statewide
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- HB 2944, In-State Tuition: Expanded eligibility for in-state tuition to include illegal aliens who passed the GED and lived in Oklahoma for two years; illegal aliens who graduate from Oklahoma high schools are already eligible
- HB 2989, Driver’s Licenses: Authorized driver’s licenses for illegal aliens
- HB 3195, Anti-Sanctuary: Required honoring detainers for anyone already in custody
- SB 1459, Anti-Sanctuary: Prohibited sanctuary policies statewide, authorized removal of officials who adopt sanctuary policies from office as official misconduct
- HB 2944, In-State Tuition: Expanded eligibility for in-state tuition to include illegal aliens who passed the GED and lived in Oklahoma for two years; illegal aliens who graduate from Oklahoma high schools are already eligible
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Enacted
- HB 2015, Driver’s License: Authorizes driver’s licenses for illegal aliens
- SB 370, Anti-E-Verify: Requires employer to provide notice to employees of upcoming inspection by federal agency of employer’s records regarding identity and employment eligibility of employees within 72 hours of employer’s notification of inspection from agency; establishes requirements for posting notice and information that must be included in notice; allows employer to refuse to consent to entry by federal agency absent judicial warrant
- HB 2015, Driver’s License: Authorizes driver’s licenses for illegal aliens
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Enacted
- HB 1170, E-Verify: Requires construction industry employers to use E-Verify, prohibits employing illegal aliens, provides penalties
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- HB 5511, Driver’s Licenses: Authorized driver’s licenses for illegal aliens
- HB 5518, Sanctuary/Lockout: Required judicial warrant before federal immigration authorities could access or enforce immigration law at courthouses, schools and places of worship
- HB 5919/SB 430, In-State Tuition: Granted the in-state tuition rate to illegal aliens who graduate from Rhode Island high schools after attending for at least three years
- SB 153, Driver’s Licenses: Authorized driver’s licenses for illegal aliens
- SB 231, Sanctuary Landlord-Tenant: Prohibited landlords from asking about immigration status of tenants or prospective tenants
- SB 484, E-Verify: Required most employers to use E-Verify
- HB 5511, Driver’s Licenses: Authorized driver’s licenses for illegal aliens
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- HB 7054, In-State Tuition: Granted the in-state tuition rate to illegal aliens who graduate from Rhode Island high schools after attending for at least three years
- HB 7712/SB 2416, Driver’s Licenses: Authorized driver’s licenses for illegal aliens
- SB 2258, Sanctuary Landlord-Tenant: Prohibited landlords from asking about immigration status of tenants or prospective tenants
- SB 2536, Sanctuary/Lockout: Required judicial warrant before federal immigration authorities could access or enforce immigration law at courthouses, schools and places of worship
- SB 2477, E-Verify: Required most employers to use E-Verify
- HB 7054, In-State Tuition: Granted the in-state tuition rate to illegal aliens who graduate from Rhode Island high schools after attending for at least three years
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- HB 3098, In-State Tuition: Granted the in-state tuition rate to illegal aliens who graduate from South Carolina high schools after attending for at least three years
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- 0 introduced legislation
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- HB 1172, Anti-Sanctuary: Prohibited sanctuary policies statewide
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- 0 introduced legislation
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- HB 1239/SB 1165, E-Verify Strengthening: required all public contractors and subcontractors to use E-Verify, reduced to six the minimum number of employees for a private employer to be required to use E-Verify
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- HB 1578/SB 1567, Refugees: Prohibited state from consenting to refugee resettlement, prohibited local governments from consenting to refugee resettlement unless approved by a specific process
- HB 1929/SB 2730, Refugees: Prohibited governor from consenting to refugee resettlement without authorization by legislature
- HB 1578/SB 1567, Refugees: Prohibited state from consenting to refugee resettlement, prohibited local governments from consenting to refugee resettlement unless approved by a specific process
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- HB 445, Sanctuary: Carved out hospitals, schools and universities from preexisting anti-sanctuary law
- HB 652, Sanctuary: Carved out domestic violence shelters from preexisting anti-sanctuary law
- HB 1795, Sanctuary: Carved juveniles out of preexisting anti-sanctuary law
- HB 2266/SB 672, Sanctuary: Repealed preexisting anti-sanctuary law in its entirety
- HB 3813/SB 168, Sanctuary: Prohibited any future filing of enforcement suits under the state’s preexisting anti-sanctuary law
- SB 197, E-Verify: Required state contractors to use E-Verify
- SB 1165, Sanctuary: Carved victims of and witnesses to family violence out of preexisting anti-sanctuary law
- SB 2288, E-Verify: Required all employers to use E-Verify
- SB 2321, E-Verify: Required state contractors and subcontractors to use E-Verify
- HB 445, Sanctuary: Carved out hospitals, schools and universities from preexisting anti-sanctuary law
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- 0 introduced legislation (not in session)
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- 0 introduced legislation
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- 0 introduced legislation
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Enacted
- HB 518, Sanctuary: Allows law enforcement agencies to keep information regarding citizenship and immigration status confidential to a greater extent than the state’s model fair and impartial policing policy requires
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Enacted
- HB 262, Sanctuary: Prohibits law-enforcement officers from inquiring into the immigration status of a person who (i) reports that he is a victim of a crime or a parent or guardian of a minor victim of a crime or (ii) is a witness in the investigation of a crime or the parent or guardian of a minor witness to a crime. However, a law-enforcement officer is not prohibited from making such an inquiry if it is necessary for the enforcement or implementation of certain criminal provisions or if the parent or guardian has been arrested for, has been charged with, or is being investigated for a crime against the minor victim
- HB 1547/SB 935, In-State Tuition: Permits an individual to be exempt from paying out-of-state tuition rates at public institutions of higher education in the Commonwealth if certain criteria are met
- HB 1150/SB 491, Sanctuary: No longer mandatory for jail officers to inquire and/or report immigration status for persons charged with or convicted of certain crimes
- HB 1211/SB 34, Driver’s Licenses: Allows illegal aliens to receive Virginia driver’s licenses
- HB 262, Sanctuary: Prohibits law-enforcement officers from inquiring into the immigration status of a person who (i) reports that he is a victim of a crime or a parent or guardian of a minor victim of a crime or (ii) is a witness in the investigation of a crime or the parent or guardian of a minor witness to a crime. However, a law-enforcement officer is not prohibited from making such an inquiry if it is necessary for the enforcement or implementation of certain criminal provisions or if the parent or guardian has been arrested for, has been charged with, or is being investigated for a crime against the minor victim
- 2019 Enacted
- SB 5497, Sanctuary: Imposes sanctuary policies statewide, essentially bans almost all forms of cooperation and information-sharing between state and local law enforcement and federal immigration authorities, specifically including honoring immigration detainers and participating in formal cooperative agreements such as 287(g), etc.
- 2020 Enacted
- HB 2567/SB 6522, Sanctuary/Lockout: “Courts Open to All Act,” bans civil arrests from courthouse facilities and of those going to or from court proceedings except with a judicial warrant or other court order
- SB 6561, In-State Tuition: Creates the “undocumented student support loan program,” expanding state student financial aid for illegal aliens, who are already eligible for in-state tuition
- HB 2567/SB 6522, Sanctuary/Lockout: “Courts Open to All Act,” bans civil arrests from courthouse facilities and of those going to or from court proceedings except with a judicial warrant or other court order
- 2019 Introduced
- HB 2067, Anti-Sanctuary: Prohibited sanctuary policies statewide
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- HB 2387, E-Verify: Required use of E-Verify for bridge and road contracts
- HB 2808, Anti-Sanctuary: Prohibited sanctuary policies statewide
- HB 4578/SB 496, E-Verify: Required E-Verify to be used by the construction industry
- HB 4945, Anti-Sanctuary: Criminalized as a misdemeanor failing to honor detainers
- HB 2387, E-Verify: Required use of E-Verify for bridge and road contracts
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- AB 138/SB 151, Anti-Sanctuary: Prohibited sanctuary policies statewide, authorized enforcement suits by specified elected officials, creates civil liability for damages by illegal aliens in sanctuary jurisdictions
- AB 413, In-State Tuition: Granted the in-state tuition rate to illegal aliens who graduate from Wisconsin high schools after at least three years of attendance
- AB 484/SB 401, Sanctuary: Imposed sanctuary policies statewide
- AB 138/SB 151, Anti-Sanctuary: Prohibited sanctuary policies statewide, authorized enforcement suits by specified elected officials, creates civil liability for damages by illegal aliens in sanctuary jurisdictions
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- 0 introduced legislation
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2019 Introduced
- HB 151, Anti-Sanctuary: Prohibited sanctuary policies statewide
- 2019 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation
- 2020 Introduced
- HB 108, Anti-Sanctuary: Prohibited sanctuary policies statewide
- 2020 Enacted
- 0 enacted legislation