Kentucky Poll Data
Poll Reveals Kentuckians Strongly Opposed to Senate Immigration Bill — June 2013
Rasmussen Poll: Arizona Law SB 1070
July 2010
Suppose the new Arizona immigration law was being considered for your state. Would you favor or oppose passage of that law in your state?
The U.S. Justice Department has decided to challenge the legality of Arizona’s new immigration law in federal court. Do you agree or disagree with the decision to challenge the legality of Arizona’s new immigration law?
A Rasmussen Report conducted on November 01, 2007 of 500 Likely Voters in Kentucky found:
- 81% oppose making drivers’ licenses available to illegal immigrants.
- 81% said they favor police officers automatically checking legal status during traffic stops, and 67% said if someone stopped turns out to be illegal, they should be deported
- 88% believe it is important for the government to improve its enforcement of the borders and reduce illegal immigration (76% “very important” and 14% “somewhat important”).
See the Poll in PDF format | Click here to view the press release