Arizona Poll Data
Rasmussen Poll: Arizona Law SB 1070 | July 2010
Do you favor or oppose the state’s new immigration law?
The U.S. Justice Department has decided to challenge the legality of Arizona’s new immigration law in federal court.
Do you agree or disagree with the decision to challenge the legality of Arizona’s new immigration law?
A Rasmussen poll of likely Arizona voters conducted on June 29, 2010 found:
- Arizonans favor SB1070 66% to 24%.
- Oppose the Justice Department’s lawsuit against the state 62% to 23%.
- 73% support strict sanctions against employers who hire illegal workers. Only 15% oppose strict sanctions.
- Oppose automatically granting citizenship to a child born in the U.S. to illegal alien parents 64% to 26%.
A Rasmussen poll of 500 Likely Voters in Arizona conducted on April 13th, 2010 found:
- 83% of likely Arizona voters say that immigration is an important factor in determining who they will vote for in an election (Rasmussen, April 2010).
A Rasmussen poll Arizona Survey of 500 Likely Voters conducted on July 21st, 2009 found:
- 51% say Congress should pass immigration reform before health care reform.
- 65% believe that enforcing the borders is more important than legalizing those already here.
A Rasmussen poll conducted of 500 Likely Voters in Arizona on November 28th, 2007 found:
- 80% oppose granting drivers’ licenses to illegal aliens.
- 68% say that when police officers pull someone over for a traffic violation, they should routinely check to see if that person is in the country legally.
- 71% believe that if an illegal immigrant is discovered in this manner, they should be deported.
A Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communications telephone poll taken from October 2007 (of 677 registered voters) found that:
- 69% of registered voters support penalizing businesses that “knowingly hire illegal immigrants.”
- 83% opposed issuing drivers’ licenses to undocumented immigrants.
- 62% support Sheriff Joe Apario’s stance on immigration law enforcement.
A Rasmussen Reports in partnership with FOX Television Stations, Inc. conducted on October 3rd, 2007 of 500 likely voters found:
- 74% of Arizona voters want the Sherriff’s Office to continue recent sweeps to arrest and deport illegal immigrants.
- 77% would like other law enforcement agencies in the state to follow the lead of Arpaio’s team.
A Cronkite/Eight Poll taken from January 18th - 21st, 2007 (of 600 registered voters) found that:
- Immigration is the number one issue among Arizona residents, gaining 33% of the vote. Coming in a distant second was education gaining only 20% of the vote.
An Arizona State University School of Journalism poll taken May 18th - May 21st, 2006 (of 351 registered voters) found that:
- 86% support adding 6000 Border Patrol Agents.
- 85% want to hold employers accountable for the legal status of their workers.
- 79% want to refuse automatic citizenship for undocumented workers.
- 70% agree that the National Guard should as assist border support in support roles.
- 54% agree with building a fence on public property across the border to stop illegal aliens from gaining access to the United States.
A Eight/KAET-TV and the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University from February 22nd - 25th, 2006 (of 600 registered voters) found that:
- 65% support charging undocumented immigrants with criminal trespassing.
- 55% agree with felony charges against employers who knowing hire undocumented immigrants.
- 51% consider undocumented immigrants who commit serious crimes “domestic terrorists”.
ThinkAz Poll October 2005 (of 603 Arizonans who voted on Proposition 200) found that:
- 64% of these voters believe that putting the onus on employers would be “effective”.
- 44% plurality of respondents said eliminating automatic U.S. citizenship for babies born to undocumented immigrants in the United States would be ‘effective’ in controlling illegal immigration.
- 42% of repsondents said limiting limit access to a public school educationwas as “effective”.
- Only about 30% favorgranting “immediate U.S. citizenship or amnesty” to undocumented immigrants who have lived in the United States for at least three years.
Arizona Republic Poll on October 19th 2005 (of 600 Arizona residents) found that:
- Only 4% of respondents saying the government’s attempts to secure the border are “very successful”. Nearly one-third called the efforts “moderately” successful.
- 85% predicting it could be moderately or very successful in the future.
- 67% of the respondents thought the statelegislature has done enough during the past year to deal with illegal immigration
Social Research Laboratory Pollof Northern Arizona inlate March 2005 found that
- 53% of Arizona respondents agreed that immigration has been harmful when asked “Overall do you believe immigration …in recent years has been good or bad for the country?” Fewer than half that many (24%) chose “good,” while 14% said not much difference or 9% no opinion.
Asked about spending more or less on immigration related activities,
- 84% would spend more on Arizona border enforcement.
- 70% would spend more on enforcing employer sanctions.
- 61% would spend more on deporting “undocumented immigrants”.
- 55% would spend more on helping “undocumented immigrants” get jobs where “needed”.
- 73% would spend less and on providing social services for “undocumented immigrants”.
KAET-TV/Channel 8, September 2003:
- 70% support an initiative that would require proof of citizenship when voting and applying for state and local welfare services.