America Dislikes Obama's Handling of Illegal Immigration
Last week, CNN quietly released a poll revealing that 61% of Americans disapprove of Obama’s handling of illegal immigration and only 35% approve.Most importantly, this is the highest disapproval rating on immigration that President Obama has received in office. While Obama is issuing warnings and deadlines to Congress, fewer and fewer Americans agree with what he’s doing.Unlike the recent push polls funded by pro-amnesty groups, this CNN/ORC International Poll asked straightforward questions on how Americans perceive President Obama’s job performance.As noted in this week’s Legislative Update, immigration had one of the lowest approval ratings out of all the issues covered in the poll:
In this latest poll, the President’s overall approval rating was 43%, well above his 35% approval rating on illegal immigration. While he did not receive majority approval for his handling of any of the twelve particular policy areas surveyed, his handling of illegal immigration ranked almost last, with only two issues receiving lower approval ratings. Not only that, but his approval rating on the issue of illegal immigration appears to be falling: this poll showed his lowest approval rating on illegal immigration that CNN reports finding since 2009.
When the poll was broken down by demographics, the only groups approving of Obama’s immigration actions were those who identified as Democrats (60% approved) and liberals (57% approved).Even younger Americans have negative views of President Obama on this issue.While adults in the Northwest have the highest approval rate of Obama’s immigration policies, he is still under water in that region as well as the rest of the country.
Despite the millions being spent by the agriculture and tech lobbies, urban, suburban and rural dwellers all disapprove. In fact, those living in rural communities have the highest disapproval rate.