Why You Need to Remind House Members to Oppose Amnesty
Why You Need to Remind House Members to Oppose Amnesty
“GOP activists should also keep in mind what they can change and what they can’t. And at the moment, the thing they can change is not Obamacare but immigration reform,” says Byron York at the Examiner.”If August goes quietly on the immigration front, some Republican lawmakers may return to Washington with the sense that voters back home don’t really mind that immigration reform goes forward. And then it will. If, on the other hand, lawmakers hear expressions of serious opposition at town meetings, their conclusion will be just the opposite. And reform will likely go down to defeat.”
Zuckerberg goes public with backing of immigration reform
“Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg spoke out publicly in favor of immigration reform for the first time Monday. It’s an issue he’s been working on behind the scenes for several months. The 29-year-old billionaire made his remarks in San Francisco at the debut screening of “Documented,” an autobiographical documentary by activist and journalist Jose Antonio Vargas,” CBS News says.”Wearing his trademark hoodie and sneakers, Zuckerberg disputed the notion that he and other Silicon Valley leaders are just trying to secure more H1B visas for high-tech workers.”
Evangelical Groups Promise to “Denounce” Amnesty Opponents
“ ‘We are announcing the Gospel that welcomes the stranger and we will denounce those that block immigration reform.’Some would call them fighting words; others, a declaration of faith. They rang out recently within shouting distance of the U.S. House of Representatives, at the church where I serve as pastor, as over 300 leaders gathered for the ‘Evangelical Immigration Table Day of Prayer and Action for Immigration Reform,’” the Washington Post reports.”House leaders of both parties would have done well to come witness the breadth and depth of support for immigration reform: Pentecostals and Baptists; Mega-church leaders and small congregation ministers: Republicans and Democrats; natives of Arizona, North Carolina, Indiana, Ohio, Virginia, and other states; and African Americans, Whites, Cuban Americans and other Latinos born and raised in the United States.”